
Welcome to the Inspired 3d Advanced Rigging and Deformations blog.

Readers can view the latest errata here

And of course can download the book files and errata doc at the publisher website at the link below.
note the publisher has changed the site and the download paths mentioned in the book are no longer correct.

I realized that there was not a table of contents available for the book so I have uploaded a .PDF for any one wanting to know what we cover in detail.





LINK: RigTip- Pickwalk Theory

I posted a short video over on the Rigging Dojo YouTube channel on how to improve rig navigation
by going beyond the standard up down custom pickwalking. You can use any of the many pickwalk scripts and tools available
but I like the zooTools pickwalk tool and demo it in this video.

RigTip- Pickwalk Theory

Leave a comment and let us know what you think,


It Lives, the Monster Lives

Rigging Dojo’s first full session launched this week!

If you have not been to the site or checked out all the activity on facebook you should.

It’s been about a year and a half in the making; a lot of hard work, huge learning experience, late nights and fun putting this together. Thanks to Chad and Josh and our group of friends and family that helped make it a reality. Thanks to the students for registering, really there would be no school with out students.